
Educational Supplies for Underprivileged Children and Financial Help to Meritorious Young Athletes

In celebration of World Athletics Day on May 7, 2022, the Shikhar Dhawan Foundation organized a special event called “Youngistaan, Ek Kadam Padhai Ki Ore, Ek Kadam Uchai Ki Ore” on May 8 and 9. The event involved collaborating with several schools and non-profit organizations throughout India. The Foundation provided educational, classroom, and sports supplies to these partnering organizations, benefiting children from underprivileged backgrounds. The initiative reached across multiple states including Delhi, Rajasthan, Bihar, Haryana, and Karnataka, impacting over 2,100 children with the distribution of more than 25,000 products and articles. Additionally, the Foundation extended support to deserving athletes and paraathletes, assisting them with financial needs related to equipment, training, academy fees, and more.